Inaugural event of the Foundation


The song in the video is titled OPENING THE EYES OF THE HEART composed by Valentina Vargas and Jose Ignacio Valdes,
sung by Valentina Vargas  ( Reed More → ) and has become the anthem of our Foundation with all rights reserved. The event was a great success with the animation of the great actress Cristina Tocco which all her charm and originality.

Christina entertained the guests singing a song in her famous entertaining style.
About 300 attended the dinner and more than 50 players participated in the golf tournament .
The background music was played by the generosity of Gigiconba Jazz Manouche Band.

Cristina ToccoGigiconba

All was made possible by the generosity of the club HACIENDA SANTA MARTINA , which will be our benefactor next year.

The Event was a great success with nearly 300 attending the dinner and over 50 players participating in the golf tournament.

We would like to thank all those who participated in the inaugural Golf tournament and Dinner for the Foundation Humanidad Chile. A special thank you is due to those individuals who helped in the organization and production of the event: Monica Ureta, Danièle Ball, Jose Ignacio Valdes, Veronica Cerda, Victor Gonzalez Bonorino and Sergio Aguilera. Without their help there could not have been an event.

Individual financial support was given by: Julio Giaruli, Victor Riesco, Sonia Magi, Jorge Isla.

Special credit must go to the corporate sponsors who gave generously to fund the event and the ongoing work of the foundation. These are presented below:

We hope you all had a great day playing golf and enjoyed the dinner event. We all look forward to the next time. Until then the Foundation will work tirelessly to put your faith and support to good use.

Thank you all.

sponsors list



